November Love Note: Ace of Earth—Be the Light You Seek

For the month of November, we talk about the energetic progress forward, forcefulness, and independence of Aces. They indicate something new is on the horizon and carry an energy similar to many of the Major Arcana cards. So, the question is now, what new beginning is in store for you? The answer to that depends on which direction you want to go, and what light you will use to guide you. The big question to answer is, where’s your True North?
October Love Note: The Tower card Inspired this Love Note from My Heart Into Your Hands

Welcome to October, a month of crisp air and changing colors, and on the flip side a reminder of an end of another year is near.
September Love Note—Knight of Fire: Progress on Your Personal Quest!

Welcome to September, a month that, for many, symbolizes a fresh start. Tarot’s Knight of Fire is ready to support you. The Knight of Fire kindles your inner fire to set the stage for future movement and progress.
August Love Note—Six of Earth: Shifting into Conscious Change

Welcome to August, which carries the energy of the Six of Earth–security, stability, health, safety, money, resources, re-balancing, and healing.
July Love Note: Six of Fire—Healing Momentum

Our tarot card for July is the Six of Fire, which represents healing, momentum building, and the energy of personal responsibility. It’s love, family, security, and balance.
June Love Note: King of Earth—Root to Rise

Our Tarot card that accompanies the month of June is the King of Earth. Earth is all about stability, security, safety, and physical well-being. The King in this element is not afraid to work hard, provide for themselves and others, and focused on goals; he is steady, stable, and diligent. So how do you merge this Gemini energy of play with the Capricorn/King vibes of stability?
May Love Note: Seven of Fire—Doing “The Work”

Our Tarot card for this month is Seven of Fire. In Tarot, the number seven represents introspection, inner faith and trust, silence, protectiveness, and getting down to the fundamentals of your personal truth. On the other hand, the fire element is bursting with fearlessness, creativity, and impulsive energy.
Love Note: The Devil—Shedding Your Earth School Skin

You come into this world naked and vulnerable, then you grow in both body, mind, and soul to define your place in society. In Tarot, the Devil represents a confrontation with Fear, but its presence in a reading is nothing to be afraid of. It’s simply an invitation to become aware of where fear dwells and see if you’re ready to let go of what no longer serves you. Remember, Devil is LIVED spelled backward.
Tarot Love Note: Seven of Water—Honoring Your Sensitivities

The Seven of Water shows up when your sensitivities and emotions are at maximum capacity. So it makes sense that the Seven of Water appears during Pisces Season, the most sensitive astrological sign of them all. The beauty of both Pisces energy and the Seven of Water is to believe what you know and feel to be true.