Love Note: The Art of Being


Do you ever look at the clock and wonder where the day went? The calendar, and think, how can it be August already? The year, and sigh…because maybe you didn’t spend your days, weeks, or months the way you thought you would? 

We all have these moments, which can make you feel anxious or sad because maybe you haven’t accomplished all you planned or wished for. So what can you do when the grip of time takes hold of you? 

You can pause and take things down a notch. Yes…step back. Breathe. Be in the very moment you are in, right here, right now. That’s the power of presence. There’s no controlling this very moment—no winning, no losing. Just being. This practice is the basis of every form of meditation. It’s where you find your center amongst the chaos, much like the eye of the storm. So much is happening all around, but the eye stays steady, neutral, calm. This skill is vital during times of significant change, both expected and unexpected. Cosmically speaking, the planets (specifically Mars and Uranus) are currently moving in a way that supports super-charged initiative clashing with unexpected change, requiring you to weave and pivot in a way that both heeds the calling and accepts the shifts. You can do this “grounded flexibility”. All of life is this dance of yin and yang. And if we’ve learned nothing else from the past three years, we’ve learned humans are adaptable in mind and body and uncrushable in spirit. 

I designed my company, Be. Believe. Begin. Become. with the intention of helping people change in ways they didn’t know were possible. The journey of the human soul, and the abundant possibilities for transformation found in every living thing on this planet and beyond, inspired me to make it my life’s work to assist and guide you on your beautiful (and yes, sometimes challenging!) path.

Be: The space where you are, while it may not be where you want to go, provides the footing for your journey ahead. You BEgin here, with ease, in a judgement-free zone.

Believe: You expand on what’s possible, and BElieve it to be true. 

Begin: You BEgin to take the steps toward the most strategic action, and refine your vision to what makes sense and creates joy. 

Become: The vision unfolds into reality. You BEcome what you long to BE… fully supported, bringing your gifts and your light into the world

It’s a never-ending cycle of rebirth and expansion, held with intention, centered clarity, and progress. 

We have much to do, create, give and learn from here in Earth School, aka the “seen” world. And much of what we cannot see can support you on your journey. In that spirit, I have good news to share about my upcoming workshop, Finding Your Spirit Guides: Building A Relationship with the Unseen World, which is being held at the Esalen Institute June 5-9th, 2023.

Due to high demand for this class, Esalen is opening up a waitlist and will be releasing additional rooming options for this extraordinary class. So do not wait to get on this list! Call 1-831-667-3000 or Click Here to book your stay or add your name for a callback when more rooms become available.

Love and Light,


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