February Love Note: The Chariot — Enjoy the Wild Ride! 

The Chariot ushers in February’s Love Note; this is your invitation to get moving toward your goals, desires, and dreams to create your desired destinations.

You may be feeling this energy already. We have all of the planets moving forward until mid-March — this puts a super-charge in the air like you can feel the cosmic wind at your back.

Use the opportunity to gain your momentum. Additionally, Imbolc, also known as St. Brigid’s Day and the Festival of Awakening, occurred February 1-2 and marks the mid-way point between the Winter and Spring solstice. We mirror Nature’s rhythm as we, too, begin to turn forward and embrace the light that is promised, bringing our seeds up to buds that turn into blooms after a season of inner work and deep integration. This is the time to usher your visions into the world, allowing them to receive this light and its blessings.

So how will you use this energy?

Some of you are very clear on how to move your energy forward. Others are simply sensing a shift, unsure of its form or requirements. One thing is for certain: the more integrated you are, the better your decision-making. So take time to still your mind through meditation and other spiritually supported practices. This practice of stillness will actually help you move forward faster while helping you keep balanced so you can stay in the game.

Release the pressure to make this still time perfect. Five minutes in meditation is better than none. Four deep, focused breaths are better than grinding your teeth throughout the day. Recognize your days have openings for ignition. Find them, leverage them, and fill those spaces with the energetic direction you want to go.

Clear + Focus + Integrated + Balanced = Empowered Forward Movement
This is how you leverage the power of the Chariot card.

Ask yourself: What lights me up? This is the space void of obligation, the sacred space of Creation. This drive and passion are fully supported right now by both the seen and unseen world.

Get ready to move, get ready to soar…prepare, and take time to plan. Make that call, fuse those connections. Step out of your box of comfort and into the carriage of Chariot. The Chariot is not concerned about your comfort, only your growth. The two horses are running full-on, and the safest space for growth right now is on the edge. Follow this energy and enjoy the wild ride!

As most of you know, Tarot is my go-to practice during times of change, growth, and discernment. There is still time for you to join me live at my upcoming workshop, Learning Tarot: Awakening The Magic of Your Own Inner Guidance, March 20–24, 2023, on the sacred grounds of Esalen in Big Sur, California. This workshop is an introductory level deep-dive into the powerful insights of Tarot, how to cultivate them for yourself, and how to begin reading cards for others. Together we will initiate this ancient and fascinating daily practice into your life. Visit Esalen’s website here to learn more about my workshop and future Esalen offerings.

Many blessings as you enact change, pivot, push through, and move forward, allowing the Chariot to carry you to your dream destination during this phase of your Earth School journey. Drop me a line and let me know how your Wild Ride is going!

Love and Light,


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