Activating Your Light

Meditation and visualization practices are self-care, and self-care is vital to sustaining your energy and your quality of life. It’s easy to run yourself ragged, forgetting to take a moment to recharge.

Take the time to tend to your inner fires, so your soul’s guiding light is always accessible to you. That way you don’t lose your way. Your light will have plenty of fuel to burn; you can easily support others in a sustainable, energizing way, without diminishing your light. Light is so important to our mental, physical and spiritual whole. That’s why it’s essential we stay connected not only to daylight but also to The Light within us all. 

I offer you this visualization to help you bring clarity and intention into each moment. And maybe find your calm or your power. Let it invigorate you and raise your vibration:

Imagine a golden ball of light above your head in your minds-eye. Place whatever you need or desire into that ball of energy. It could be what you need in this moment, or for your whole life. Let that energy build and grow in the center of your golden ball of light. And then let it wash over and into your body. Imagine its warmth. Feel it absorb into your cells, your thoughts, your wishes, your Heart. Let it flow into your entire being and radiate through you and out from you.

Breathe deeply and repeat this visualization as many times as you like, or whenever you need some energetic support. It’s a simple, beautiful and fluid meditation that you can customize to support you any time. I use this visualization often and adapt it from moment to moment depending on the situation – whether I need to center before a meeting, find clarity before speaking, or simply need a boost to my energy field for a heavily scheduled day. I love to pair it with the following mantra:

I connect with…

I easily and effortlessly receive…

I call in…

I choose how I do me…

And whenever you need to fuel, create your golden ball of light… it’s all yours! Without taking these re-charging moments, your inner knowing gets drowned out by our never-ending external demands. Knowing this, I’ve created a downloadable meditation program called CONNECTIONS to guide you through this visualization and dive a little deeper into developing your practice. In the spirit of self-care and managing my own energy, I offer you this series to access and amplify your light. Click here or on the image above to find out more.

Love and Light,


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