Blog Posts

Alien Probes

Brenda and Julie explore the facts and fiction of alien lifeforms that have enchanted some and disturbed others throughout history and around the globe. They discuss Harvard Theoretical Physicist Avi Loeb who believes meteors found on the ocean floor are probes sent here by extraterrestrial beings. Earth School is hard, and you never quite know what is falling from the Other Side sky.


Julie and Brenda discuss questions from listener Jeff about knowing and fully believing in messages that come from the Other Side.

Sharing Joey’s Reading

Today Brenda flies solo a live reading as they and us learn moe about what it means to be human. Incorporating Astrology, Numerology, and Tarot, Brenda’s readings give comfort, confidence, and insight into all the mystical forces that guide us along our path in Earth School.

Insider’s Insight #28: For Cop Suey

Join Brenda and Julie as they answer questions submitted by their number one fan, Cop Suey, who is forever on the quest to figure this whole Earth School thing out. Infinite possibilities that are naked to the human eye hold the secrets and line the pathway on your Earth School quest. When you allow the magnificence of the Other Side to do its thing, Earth School isn’t too hard after all.

Work for Your Work: No. 8

Julie and Brenda discuss setting the energy of success, balance, goals, power, and prosperity in the numerological 8 year for your professional world and public reputation. It is about staying dedicated to your goals which is critical, but finding that balance between bringing your whole self to a situation while navigating the realities of business.

How’s Your 2024?

Brenda and Julie discuss setting New Year’s resolutions for 2024, which can limit your growth potential. Reflection and goal setting should be done more than once a year to make lasting changes. From frequent meditative check-ins to assessing how you’ll know when a goal becomes second nature, we’ve got you covered as you contemplate who you are and why you do what you do.

Digging Deep with Pluto

Today, Brenda talks about all things Pluto and what the change of the Astrological House means for you. As the planet of death and rebirth, Pluto desires to get to the truth and essence of all things. Whether you think of it as a planet or super asteroid, one thing is clear: the more you work with the Plutonian energy by digging deep, the more centered you’ll be.

Work for Your Work: Creativity

Brenda and Julie discuss the myriad of ways creativity and innovation take form. Creativity is taking the leap of faith in The Fool card of action and learn how to trust it.

Work for Your Work: Conflict

Brenda and Julie discuss how you may have to accept that you play a role in your happiness. So, you must be part of the solution, especially concerning your professional life. Vulnerability is the key to all problematic situations. Brenda shares advice that provides timeless tools to guide you through times of change and conflict.

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