Taking Inventory: Integration and Investment


Without a doubt, you are experiencing a range of emotions these days. Even those of you who are navigating the current energy of the world with sacred tools, practices and support have moments of uncertainty and frustration. You are human, and no pun intended — not immune to all that is swirling globally and cosmically.

Many of my coaching clients and dearest friends have expressed the feeling of “Taking Inventory.” Not only in the sense of what’s necessary right now? or what’s the best path forward? — but a deeper inventory. A Life Inventory.

When you are uncertain about what the future holds, it’s natural to slip into a space of reflection. It’s important to honor your emotions, no matter how difficult or painful that might be. You cannot release or adjust what you refuse to witness, or what remains below the level of consciousness. It’s also important to balance this energy and take time to recall the things in your life that bring joy and a smile. This inventory is crucial, now, and always.

To begin this Life Inventory journey, you’ll need to tune-in, reflect, and find a quiet, safe space. Some of you may desire to write your Inventory Lists down; others may prefer to go into meditation. Some of you may enlist the help of a loved one, therapist, coach, mentor, or trusted friend. No matter where or how you proceed, Taking Inventory of the blessings and the regrets of your life is a beautiful way to see patterns, wrap-up lessons, and learn more about yourself and your place in the world.

Step One: Make a list or focus on the moments you can’t seem to shake: moments you feel guilty about; things you said or didn’t; choices you made that you wish you could un-do; events or people that hurt you; circumstances that brought sadness; realities that you wish were not real. You may see patterns and habits you need to break, and hard truths you must face.

Breathe through this practice. Let the tears flow, let the anger or regret bubble up again and breathe some more. When you feel ready, breathe-in and exhale that energy and experience away from you. Or if it feels better, place a symbol of that experience or feeling into a container, trash can, or a bubble and seal it in a way that it’s never getting out. You can write it down and burn in a flame, bury it 12-inches under the dirt, or imagine that symbol being hit with a ray of light from the Sun, and destroying it. Let your creativity flow.

Step Two: Make a list or focus on the moments in your life that have brought Joy: when you feel or felt loved; accomplishments you’re proud of; connections that are sacred; sweet experiences that you’ll never forget. Relationships, friendships, a calling, a creative pursuit… anything that brings a sense of peace, satisfaction, and a smile to your face or joy to your heart when you reflect upon it.

Pause again — and take a deep breath. Breathe that energy and experience into you and feel it expand within and beyond you.

The longer you stay in a place of regret or sadness, the bigger that energy grows. Once you’ve completed that part of your Life Inventory, you must release it. It is in the past. It is a lesson learned. That pain needn’t be a part of your future — only the lessons learned, and the wisdom gained goes forward with you. If you wrote your list down, crumple it up and burn it. (This is an excellent full-moon ritual.) If you meditated on these moments, visualize a great rain or waterfall — all of it washing away to be returned to the Earth for healing and release. Let it go… too much time spent here blocks the Love and vitality that is all around you.

If you wrote a list of your blessings, keep that and add it to it as you continue to recall times of Joy and Abundance. Let it be the first entry in your Gratitude Diary and keep it in a place you can go to whenever you need to be reminded of all the Beauty your life contains. Time spent here brings more of that Love and Energy into your space. Hold on to that and nurture its growth and expansion. If you meditated through this part of your Life Inventory, place all that you Love in a beautiful sacred beam of golden light, and let that light drip into every pore, illuminating you from within.

Be gentle with yourself as you work through this Life Inventory practice. You are navigating this world, and your own unique experiences and emotions, at your pace.

And every blessing, every lesson is a gift, because it made you who are you. The world is better because of you — know it, and make certain of it with every choice.

Love and Light,


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