Sacred Geometry


Sacred Geometry… activate your life. 

Taos is a magical land. Artists claim it’s the clarity of the light that draws them here. Last week’s Instagram post of a Taos labyrinth shared the power of scared geometry to ease our minds, bodies and spirits. 

So much of the art in the Taos galleries is based upon sacred geometry, leveraging its power to connect with our essence. Trust me, it was hard to turn my eyes away from these compelling paintings even as I was speaking with the artist! 

It’s the ratios that create the soul impact of sacred geometry: it’s the interplay from line to line, from light to dark, from form to space, from minute detail to the grand scale of it all. When that ratio is off – even ever so slightly; it’s off. And while the object can still be beautiful, valuable, etc. it doesn’t have that spark of something perfectly balanced, that stirs within you, long after you’re away from that experience. 

Nature offers us many familiar forms of that balanced ratio: 

These offer us examples of symmetry, beauty and soothing influence of sacred geometry. It is familiar to our eye, our nervous system and reminds us there’s a plan to life’s unfolding. The world isn’t random and chaotic as we sometimes make it out to be. Remembering this is essential to our busy lives right now. 

Having visuals of these perfectly balanced items around can be helpful reminders. You don’t have to make a huge investment here, just change your screen saver, or better yet, get outside. Seeing sacred geometry (even if it just hits our unconscious mind) can help us remember: beauty is real and it’s a pathway to our own Divine order. 

 The unfolding of a rose, creating its own mandala

The unfolding of a rose, creating its own mandala

How can you find the own symmetry in your life, your own balance of work to play, reflection to action, sleep to awake, gratitude to assessment, self-care to giving? How can you activate the beauty of your life’s Divine order? 

You could try this.

Ok, so maybe not every minute is balanced. You could really be burning the midnight oil, but you’ve got some recovery time reserved ahead. That’s a kind of balance that works. It allows you to be fully you. You deliver your obligations, bring everything you have at work and at home. And it’s all ok. Because you’ve accounted for the fullness and spaciousness, you’ve created beauty out of what was chaos and you’ve found your sacred balance.

Love and Light,


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