Learning to Raise Your Vibration

Have you ever met someone, whether it be an old friend, casual acquaintance, or complete stranger, and immediately felt their “vibe?” And that vibe/energy either pulled you in closer or made you want to escape as fast as possible? We have all had these moments, and we have all been the person that either radiates good energy or puts out negative juju. 

Emotions can change at the snap of a finger. And if you have the right toolbox, you can control your reactions to the actions around you. You can be calm and stable even in the most turbulent water. 

It’s quite simple: so simple in fact, it can seem impossible because life is supposed to be a struggle, right? True, Earth school is hard… and that is where tuning into your sacred innate being, and using the gifts the metaphysical world so lovingly offers, comes into play. 

My life’s work is dedicated to empowering others by using sacred tools and harnessing divine energy. I make it my goal, and my promise, to deliver positive, healing, and real messages out into the world so that others can raise their vibration and keep their personal energy powerful, supported and protected. I do this through teaching tarot, meditation, self-care, sacred geometry, the enneagram, personal readings, and spirit messages… just to name a few. The beauty of having access to these tools is that just like building a house or a garden or designing a room, when you have the right tools—the job flows splendidly. And these tools can be used every single day to ensure that whatever Earth school throws your way, you are equipped and able to navigate sustainably. One of the most beautiful aspects of the tools I teach is that they never wear out. In fact, the more you apply them, the stronger they grow. 

These tools enable you to consistently radiate good energy. And, they help you deal with the everyday ups and downs life most certainly brings. Here are three simple, time-tested and goddess approved tools to get you started: 

Tarot: Tarot is a sacred ancient tool I whole-heartedly love. Tarot delivers clear, insightful, divine messages that empower you to make choices whenever you are uncertain of the path you should take. Tarot offers a myriad of spreads full of information designed to address any life situation or question that requires divine wisdom. 

*My upcoming Tarot workshop, Learning Tarot: Awakening the Magic of Your Own Inner Guidance, will occur from March 20-24 on the sacred grounds of Esalen, in Big Sur, California. Registration is open now and if you’re feeling the call I invite you to join us!

Meditation: Meditation is the basis of an understandable, calm and tranquil life. I promise if you begin or end each day with even just a few moments of meditation, your reaction to the actions of the world will change. And change for the better. 

Self-Care: Self-care is not self-absorption. And it is not selfish. Self-care is taking the time to rejuvenate your mind body and soul in whatever way you respond to best. It can be accessed through running, gardening, napping, taking a bath, connecting with a friend, absorbing or creating art, walking in nature, yoga… There are no rules for self-care. The only rule is that you honor your personal need to replenish and re-group so that you can be at the top of your mental, physical and emotional game. It also helps you to establish healthy habits and boundaries and inspires others to do the same. 

Every moment of every day you make choices. The choices you make feed the energy you radiate into the world. Those choices tell your soul what’s important, and they set the tone for each and every day, and benefit the world around you. In a world that often manipulates/feeds on chaos and confusion, you have the ability to be the calm and the clarity. Stock your toolbox, raise your vibe.

Love and Light,


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