You are a Hero

As much of the United States prepares for the next wave of COVID shut-downs, I think it’s important to acknowledge this fact: Stress Fatigue is Real. You feel it, and see it… people are edgy, nothing seems satisfying, and try as you might — it’s hard to fully relax with the energy of the unknown filling each and every space. This stress fatigue affects us all in different ways: some of you are sleeping too much, or not at all. Some of you are indulging more in anything that numbs your reality — alcohol, comfort food, television, etc….

You may be working or laid-off from your job; You may be unable to work, or working from home — juggling kids, partners, and pressures from multiple sources. And if you’re solo during these times, that can be hard too. Regardless of where you are in this equation, one thing is for certain: this vibe is getting old.

Pay attention to your habits and your body’s response. Are you dealing with your circumstances, or denying? The edges are starting to fray around all of us. So how do you double-down and make a promise to take care of yourself when the truth may be all you are thinking and feeling is: I’m not ok? (And, saying you’re not ok is ok! You’re human. And you are experiencing so much right now.)

The trick during these times is to remember everything is temporary. You will get through this. This is wisdom. This…is Faith in Action.

Another trick is to decide on your most accessible and effective self-care “go-to.” This can be anything from exercising, journaling, writing, painting, cooking, meditation, taking a walk or a bath, playing with your children, or fur-babies…. Whatever works for you to keep your spirits up, make a commitment to do more of that. Because when you have Faith in Action, coupled with a plan of action, you can energetically move from React and Regret to Recharge and Reset.

Make a list of what you need to feel whole and thrive. For some, that’s time spent with friends, which is still possible as long as you’re mindful and safe. For others, that’s a quiet moment or corner of solitude — to step away from the kids, computer, or spouse and to just be still for a bit. It’s ok to grieve, it’s ok to be happy, and it’s wonderful to still celebrate the little moments of normal that come your way. It’s also ok to create the time and space to do what you need to do to recharge your body, mind, and soul.

There’s so much you can’t control right now. Given these circumstances, ask yourself: what can I control and prioritize? How can I turn the perimeters of my life into opportunities for spiritual growth and expansion?

This moment in history is now part of your life story. You may not have the original manuscript, but you have the talent, the faith, the creativity, the strength, the pen, and the soundtrack that allows you to edit, refine and write your place in it. Remember you alone are able to decide that you are not a victim of this story — You are a hero.

Love and Light,


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