Enneagram 101 Waitlist

If you are looking for something that has the power to transform you—with the compassion to help you understand the beauty, innocence, and meaning of your humanity—you’ve found it. Welcome to Enneagram 101: How to Live Your Life With Greater Compassion, Power, and Peace.

This introductory five-week course will present you with the transformative lessons and revealing insights of the Enneagram. These evolutionary steps will increase your awareness of habitual behaviors that have limited your joy, health, contributions, happiness, well-being, and love. Taking a look at some foundational lessons of your “Earth School journey” will help you value the blessings and challenges it has brought you and how you can make new moves to claim more of your life essence. 

Please sign up for notification of our next class. 

Enneagram 101 Waitlist